Sunday 29 April 2018

340: World Tapir Day with Watsons

The Malayan Tapir when mentioned, might refresh the public's memory of how they look like but how many people actually know the Malayan Tapir more than just their look? In fact, most of you might probably mistake a baby Tapir for a baby wildboar just like me.

It is sad to realize that similar to most of Malaysia's heritage, the public has little to no knowledge at all about the endangered Malayan Tapir, a precious little gem of the country. However, nothing is never too late when a step forward is taken. I was very thankful to be part of a recent trip aimed to raise awareness of the endangered Malayan Tapir made possible by NATURALS by Watsons. 

Saturday 7 April 2018

339: UV Porcelain Plus Skin Supplement Intake Review


I have probably reviewed tons of beauty products which can improve skin condition through application of skin care or skin treatment but  my favourite will always be trying out beauty supplements intakes.

So what is it that I will be reviewing today?