Tuesday 31 December 2013

033: Japan 2013 - Tokyo Tower & Tabemono!

The end of the year is approaching and so is the start of another year.

Cherish the past and appreciate the future.

Those who are partying and drinking tonight, party and drink sensibly... stay safe not for yourself but for your loved ones.

Just got to know that a friend didn't get to make it to the new year.

R.I.P. Leo.. You're a great loss to us and will be missed dearly.


Last destination of the trip! とうきょうたわー Tokyo Tower! One of the highlighted trip in my itinerary! If you have read my previous post, you would know that I was looking forward to visit Tokyo Tower rather than Sky Tree. Weird? o.O

Saturday 28 December 2013

032: Christmas 2013

Hey! How was your Christmas? I actually had more fun before the actual day itself..

Huge Christmas Tree at the lobby of Gardens Mall. Wouldn't it be great if I could pluck those presents off the tree. Feels like a kid again ;P

Wednesday 25 December 2013

031: Japan 2013 - Imperial Palace & Zojoji Temple

It's the 25th of December! Merry Christmas  メリークリスマス to everyone! I hope everyone will have a great time exchanging present, hanging out together, or rather, just enjoying each other's company :) After all, one of the famous quote during Christmas is; 

All I want for Christmas is You!


For the rest of you who is just bumping at home like me to avoid the crowd and the jam, let's do some shopping! :D They have some great sales going on till the end of the year! So better hurry up!

*click the picture below and do some shopping nao!*

 Let's continue with our Japan journey!

Wednesday 18 December 2013

030: Smooth up your Day!

If you have  been following my instagram @tenshichn, you would know that I occasionally post up videos about the smoothies I make on random days, especially on days when I'm running low... It really bringtens up my day :)

What's Smoothie? Smoothie is..

Easy and fun to make.
Yummy n delicious.
A different variety everyday.
Good for health!

Alright, the mainstream meaning of Smoothie is a drink made out of blended fresh fruits which could also include mixture of ice, frozen fruits, milk, yogurt and etc.

Warning: loud blender noise in parts of the video.

17 December 2013
Milk + Mango Yogurt + Pineapple 

Sunday 15 December 2013

029: Japan 2013 - Ameyoko Market

Have three hours to spent on my own at Gardens while I wait for mom. So I thought I'd finish this post on Ipad and post it but plan failed =/

1. Can't even detect Gong Cha's Wifi. Ada macam tiada. Phail 100%.
2. Could not scroll on post edit page using Safari OR Chrome on Ipad which leads to Point no.3
3. Downloaded blogger on Ipad but so limited functions -__________- Could not even select image size. This app super phailed.
4. Too much distraction in this place. Suddenly a baby rat came out of no where and everyone who saw it keep taking picture of it. Poor soul looks so lost that it went round and round thrice before going off to somewhere.
5. Times up!

So end up doing this at home when I'm back..

Wednesday 11 December 2013

028: Semenyih Pan Mee

If you're a new student at University of Nottingham or you happen to be around Semenyih area looking for lunch, this is a good place for some Pan Mee, a type of Chinese Hakka style noodle in Malaysia. Direct translation; Flat Flour Noodle. Sounds funny. Haha..

Anyway, I used to frequent this shop and another stall in Broga which operates at the small market place but the one in Broga serioussssly does not taste good anymore. It is kind of disappointing. Well, atleast this one still stays it's best :)

They used to be operating on the road side on an open space area with zink roof which can get you feeling pretty hot and sweaty because of Malaysia's hot n humid weather. Kind of got to thank God that the land owner finally decided to develop that piece of land.

Hence they need to move to the shop lot on the opposite of their old place. It is right on top of the Kedai Kaca dan Aluminium Chin Fat shop.

Friday 6 December 2013

027: Japan 2013 - Tsukiji Market & Ginza

Rise and shine! 

Up at 5 a.m., got ready and head to つきじ Tsukiji Market! I'm just kidding.. but that's what people tourist usually do when they want to visit Tsukiji Market for the Fish Auction. Initially, that was what I wanted to do; have a look at the Fish Auction, walk about in their wet market just to see how it is like. You must be thinking, Wet Market? Eww. But really, every country's market is different. Not to mention country. There was once I visited the fish market at Semporna, Sabah. Guess what type of fishes are being laid on the table? You might answer, Normal edible fishes? Well, they are of course edible but the fishes there are of pretty colours! Those we only see when we visit places like Aquaria, Underwater World! Yes, those sort of pretty fishes. I doubt they are edible but.. if they are sold in the market, they should be edible right?

#Ootd: Cat print sheer shirt from Cotton On with washed rugged jeans + tan belt and black hoisery and studded bag.

Monday 2 December 2013

026: Teh Tarik Place & LAMMEEYA

I took a shower to wake up. 

Well, technically it's quite true. i was so wasted for the day that I thought my head would plonk on the table top any time. So, wake up call ~

Thanks to Kim for the free ticket, I attended this Business Think Different Seminar last weekend and met quite a lot of new people. These type of seminar/talk has so much proven that brain drains the most energy out of your body! That is why by the end of the day, I feel totally knackered.

I usually take 2 heavy meals a day, but during these 2 days, I had 3 heavy meals! My body has been asking me to input more food to be processed into energy!!!

Anyway, let's get straight to the point. Here's a picture of my meal:

Does the picture look weird to you? Kind of, right? Notice what's missing? Tons and tons of curry gravy!! Actually I don't prefer soaking my rice with curry. I mean, I LOVE curry and I would LOVE to soak my rice in curry gravy but not when it's spicy. ;P Yes, I'm a lousy Malaysian with low toleration for spiciness.

Anyway, I don't think you would be interested in that unappealing food photo. So let's move on...